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Queensland University Musical Society

Choir Camp S1 2023!

Fri, 14 Apr 2023
14-04-2023 16:00
16-04-2023 14:00

IMPORTANT: Fill in the Camp Transport form too, so that we can organise lifts.

“ ...And this one time, ...when I was at a Choir-Camp...”

One weekend each semester, QUMS will host a Choir Camp. This is a weekend retreat, from Friday evening through to Sunday afternoon. As well as being a lot of fun (themed dress-up night, musical revues, board games, and more), we workshop and rehearse in-depth for the upcoming concert. Camp weekends are the cheapest fully-catered weekend away you’ll ever get! Attendance is very important, as it equates to several rehearsals worth of learning. Transport, dietary requirements etc are all catered for. If you must be absent try to make at least a part of the weekend, and discuss with your Section Leader and Musical Director.

Payment plans are available, so no drama if you have any financial issues! Just talk to our friendly treasurer Nelson Vermeer :)

If you have First Aid skills, let us know :)

Please note that mobile phone reception isn't great. It's a little bit off the grid for a reason!


  • Camping/Tents??!! 
    • ​NO! No tents. Real beds are provided in dormitories of 4 or 8 people, so you can "get a room" with your friends. Or make new ones. Bring your own bedding/sleeping-bag.
  • Food?
    • Breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner - all prepared in a great kitchen.
    • We all take turns helping out as required. 
  • Allergies and dietary needs?
    • We ask everybody a comprehensive set of questions so that we can feed you all properly and safely!
  • Ablution blocks?
    • ​Accomodation is cabin-style, with showers/toilets in separate blocks.
      Bring thongs (flip-flops), your own soap and towel!
  • Tell Us a Joke! 
    • A time-held tradition... You may get "banged-up" at dinner and put on the spot to stand up and tell your best/worst joke.  So be sure you bring a joke to share.
  • Fancy Dress?
    • ​The theme for Saturday night dress-up is... 1930s!
  • Talent Show?
    • Another time-honoured tradition: After dinner on Saturday, we entertain each other! If you have a favourite song/ditty/parody or act that you can entertain us with, the stage is all yours for your crack at fame. Or infamy. Judges will decide the winner - but they are easily bribed with chocolates / favours / pretty much anything, so bring along a suitable "incentive" :-) Older QUMSians call this event "Revue".
  • Alcohol? 
    • No, for several reasons. Moogerah is now a 'dry' campsite. And we want to still be in top form on Sunday morning – partying until 3am on Saturday night doesn't achieve that. There are also insurance issues. 
  • Day-trippers?
    • ​Some folks may not relish the idea of overnighting in anything other than their own feather beds. If this is you, you have the option of commuting (it is a good hour+ drive) each day. Be sure to arrive by 8:30am. If you arrive earlier, you may be rewarded with a hot breakfast.
  • COVID-19?
    • We'll have plenty of hand sanitiser. PLENTY.
    • If you're feeling sick, probably better that you don't come to Camp. Refunds are available.
    • We've also compiled a list of health professionals in the area should we need them.
    • We will cancel Camp if it comes to it, but at this stage we don't think we'll need to. Everyone will be refunded, so don't worry. 

The full Camp Info Sheet is available here.

The Camp Transport Form is available here.


4:00 pm
Arrival (from 4pm)
7:00 pm
7:30 am
Breakfast and arrival
9:00 am
12:30 pm
2:00 pm
5:00 pm
Free Time
6:00 pm
7:30 pm
Talent show
8:00 am
Breakfast and arrival
9:30 am
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
Clean-up and departure
Ticket Type Price
Student/Concession - full camp earlybird $75.00 Sale Ended
Adult full camp earlybird $85.00 Sale Ended
Student/Concession full camp $85.00 Sale Ended
Adult full camp $95.00 Sale Ended
Student/Concession - Friday night only $60.00 Sale Ended
Adult - Friday night only $70.00 Sale Ended
Student/Concession - Saturday night only $60.00 Sale Ended
Adult - Saturday night only $70.00 Sale Ended
Student/Concession - day-tripper $40.00 Sale Ended
Adult - day-tripper $50.00 Sale Ended
Staff For our wonderful staff! $0.00 Sale Ended
Camp Moogerah
880 Lake Moogerah Rd, Moogerah QLD 4309, Australia

c/o C&S Department, UQ Union Building 21A-417, University of Queensland Union, University of Queensland, Queensland, 4072, Australia

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