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Queensland University Musical Society

QUMS: Orchestra workshop

Sat, 5 Oct 2024
09:00 - 16:30

QUMS is excited to announce that we will be holding an orchestra workshop: presented by our Musical Director – Guillaume Lemay-Yates, who holds a Master of Music Studies specialising in conducting, and has both choral and orchestral experience.

This workshop is open to QUMS members as well as to the general community!

We are particularly looking for String, Woodwind, and Brass players. We are unable to provide percussion instruments but would be glad to hear from any percussionists who have their own equipment.

There have been constant calls for an on-campus community orchestra, open to the general student body regardless of ability. QUMS has heard this call and we hope this workshop is the first step to answering this need!

So for those of us who have been looking for an opportunity to shake the dust off their old instrument and reconnect to orchestral music, this is what you have been looking for! Come and join us and play your part!

Depending on the success of the workshop, there may be a chance for the orchestra to perform at the next QUMS concert Anthology: Verse meets Chorus! (19th October, 1pm, details here), included in the ticket price of $9.99.

The workshop will take place on campus at UQ St Lucia, in ModWest and run from 9am - 4:30pm, with generous breaks throughout. Please bring your own lunch or plan to buy it. Tea and coffee will be provided :)

Music stands will not be provided, so please plan to bring your own. If you need to borrow one, we are happy to help coordinate!

Further information regarding repertoire will be available soon so please keep an eye out!

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to get in touch at president@qums.org.au at any time.

Hope to see you there!


9:00 am
Rehearsal (inc. 15 minute break)
12:00 pm
Break (lunch not provided)
1:30 pm
Rehearsal (inc. 15 minute break)
Ticket Type Price
Orchestra Workshop attendee $9.99
Total: $
ModWest Building (11A) - Room 130
St Lucia QLD 4067, Australia

c/o C&S Department, UQ Union Building 21A-417, University of Queensland Union, University of Queensland, Queensland, 4072, Australia

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