Queensland University Musical Society
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Support Our Singing
QUMS has been an integral part of the Brisbane choral community since 1912.
With your support, we can be confident that QUMSians will still be singing together in another hundred years!
You can also hire QUMS for your event - in the past few years we have performed at weddings, receptions, funerals, at Christmas parties, around the office, and as a flash mob.
The best way you can support QUMS is to come to our concerts - and bring your friends too!
Not only do we appreciate the ticket sales, but a large audience is its own reward.
Becoming a Sponsorship Partner offers excellent value to your organisation! Included are two hours a year of carolling, to really brighten up the festive season; five tickets to each major QUMS concert; and acknowledgement in our programmes and on our website. At just $500 annually, it's an excellent package deal.
Email our Treasurer to take the next step.
QUMS is unincorporated and therefore is unfortunately ineligble for tax-deductible donation status. However, donations are still appreciated!
You can easily donate $50 or $20 via our online shop. To donate in other ways or other amounts, please contact our Treasurer.
The Australian Intervarsity Choral Societies Association (AICSA) run an EOFY fundraiser in partnership with the Australian Cultural Fund. Donations via this annual fundraiser are tax-deductible, and you can request that your donation be passed on to QUMS or another choir (or intervarsity festival!) affiliated with AICSA.